Be available anytime,
anywhere, with an effective voicemail
asking the caller to leave a message

Access and manage voice messages from customers at any time from anywhere, with your virtual phone system
Voicemail is a VPBX's last line
of defense
Configure custom
voicemail greeting
Stay active outside of business hours or during busy hours
Receive instant email notifications about messages
Check new
messages from any device
Have 24/7 answering capabilities
Get access from any device
Dial voicemail and check new messages from customers from any suitable device or app, including your computer, tablet or mobile device

Provide additional scenarios to the caller
Ease the workload on your call center by assigning each department an individual voicemail number
Not a single call goes unanswered
Stay informed of any missed calls to the company and reach back out to callers with accurate information
Impress callers with a professional greeting
Make a lasting first impression and provide great customer service experience

Common questions about Voicemail
What is Voicemail?
Voicemail is a virtual telephony function that maintains contact with a customer who has been unable to reach a live operator, and will provide them with an opportunity to make a request, express a concern, or be called back.
After the caller records the voice message, the system will email the designated employee with the recording based on the chosen scenario.
What does Voicemail from CallGear do?
Voicemail is a useful extension of the modern virtual PBX solution by CallGear. It gives both your clients and leads an opportunity to leave a message when no one is available to answer the phone. By reaching out to you at your voicemail box number, your customers can record a message, explain their requests, concerns, or questions, ask for a call back from your employees at the time that is most suitable for them, or even make an order to be handled later.